Submitter put back in recipient list…

Steve Cotton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (06/12/2008):
> xwhois.h:
>     #define BUFSIZE 1024
>     struct serverent {
>       char *name;
>       char *comment;
>     } servers[256];
> get_servers():
>       /*
>        * Set all struct members to NULL.
>        */
>       for (i=0 ; i < BUFSIZE ; i++)
>         {
>           servers[i].name = servers[i].comment = NULL;
>         }
> After setting BUFSIZE to 256, the app started OK.
> But pressing "Scan" locked the app up.  I fired up Wireshark, 90
> seconds later it's still sending out SYN packets to servers that
> don't respond.  After a couple of minutes, it displayed the
> results.  They're mostly along the lines of "server did not
> respond", "query format not supported", "this server only has the
> .FOO and .BAR TLDs".
> Popcon is 63 installs, 14 votes, and it has a dependency on GTK-1.2.
> Personally, I think this isn't one to fix.

Agreed, looks like a candidate for removal from testing (-release@ Cc'd
for that), and maybe even from unstable (-qa@ Cc'd for that).


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