On Mon, 2014-07-21 at 15:39 +0200, Abou Al Montacir wrote:

> Are we really consuming so much bandwidth for that feature? I assume
> this will happen each time a user or a daemon wants to check a
> particular package. I'm not convinced this is worth especially they ask
> for a cache of 1 hour, do we expect that per package we do a check more
> than twice per day (daily daemon + random user)

I told them the average usage based on the stats from qa.d.o Apache logs
(up to 30K requests per day) and said that was a bit high and asked us
to implement a cache.

> What about compressing the files? This can reduce the size dramatically.
> Can you please check for the file you used as example?

Seems pointless to store the raw RSS, best extract the filenames and
store them in a database instead.



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