On Sat, 15 Jun 2019, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Fri, 2019-06-14 at 16:13 -0300, Herbert Fortes wrote:
> > Should dm.txt file be downloaded and read once a day?
> > (to update/save new info)
> I note there is already code in RetrieveDebianMaintainersTask that
> downloads and processes dm.txt so perhaps that should be used.

Definitely, and you also don't want to use urlopen() in any web request,
that doesn't scale... we would be hammering ftp-master to retrieve the
same information over and over.

And we have our own code to retrieve data over HTTP (get_resource_text)
so we don't use urlopen().

Herbert, you need to come up with a good design before you get into

Here are some rough guidelines:
1/ you want to handle all the processing of the dm.txt file in
   RetrieveDebianMaintainersTask, you want to parse the "dd_fpr"
   variable that we already extract
2/ you want to come up with a way to store that data in the database,
   I would probably opt to add a JSONField to the DebianContributor model
   so that you can store a hash associating "package => granted_by".
3/ then you need to modify the template and the associated context to
   display that information

I also don't know why you picked this bug report to start your journey
into distro-tracker. It's not a trivial issue to fix and the added value
is relatively low compared to other missing features.

I took the time to highlight easy bugs with the newcomer tag,
maybe you should start with some of those?

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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