severity 588080 wishlist


On sekmadienis 04 Liepa 2010 20:44:42 Alexander Gerasiov wrote:
> Package: kde-standard
> Severity: normal
> Hi there.
> I dislike dragonplayer, because is sucks. I undestand that kde-multimedia
> should depend on it and could not to use kde-multimedia metapackage. But I
> found that since last update kde-standard also depends on dragonplayer.
> This makes me pain. It installs to system and kde use it by default
> instead of my lovely mplayer. But kde itself could work without
> dragonplayer fine. This is just one of it's multimedia packages. Please,
> please, please remove this crappy dependence.

dragonplayer is a default KDE SC media player. Until KDE SC has something 
better to offer, I don't see a good alternative. kde-standard package cannot 
come without media player these days.

You can set preferred player via file type associations in System Settings.

Modestas Vainius <>

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