tag 760274 +moreinfo


is this still an issue?
If yes we need information also from akonadi. So please restart akonadi 

$ akonadictl restart

and start kmail in another window:

$ kmail

we need proberly both outputs to see where the problem is located. 

Please also check with akonadiconsole, if there is a trash collection and if 
this one has the collection id 4. 




Am Dienstag, 2. September 2014, 13:45:46 schrieb Thomas Wegner:
> Package: kmail
> Version: 4:4.14.0-1
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> kmail chrashes after start with message:
> <
> Could not create collection trash resourceId: 4"
>  ~StorageServiceJobConfigPrivate
> unnamed app(6951): Communication problem with  "kmail2" , it probably
> crashed. Error message was:  "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply" : "
> "Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)" "

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