Hi Chris,

> It is not required.

I’m parsing this as “you were not incorrect”, right?
(Sorry, non-English-native speaker here.)

> Does the canonical specification not explain?
>   https://reproducible-builds.org/specs/source-date-epoch/
> I pedantically refer you to that /only/ because if it is not clear
> enough then there is a need to revise it. :)

It is indeed clear enough. I didn’t have it at hand when writing
my previous message and only vaguely recalled having read it
quite some time before. (Thanks for linking it in this thread.)

> > AIUI, S_D_E is used as a *delimiter*, not as a timestamp *all* files
> > are to be set to.
> I've found that having a shared vocabulary is very useful so just in
> case it helps we tend to use the term "clamping" when referring to

True… it’s just that I didn’t recall the word, as “clamping”
is not something normally part of my English vocabulary (and,
having looked it up in the dictionary, nothing I’d normally
associate with this), so it’s probably a “lost in translation”
effect. I’ll try to remember next time.

15:41⎜<Lo-lan-do:#fusionforge> Somebody write a testsuite for helloworld :-)

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