Juhani Numminen kirjoitti 25.08.2018 klo 14:19:

> I am trying out QtWebView in QML with a small test file that
> is attached to this mail. After running the following command,
> a window with completely white content pops up. I am expecting
> to see the Debian website instead.
>     juhani@computer:~$ qmlscene webviewtest.qml
>     No WebView plug-in found!
>     ^C
> Installing the libqt5webview5-dev package.
>     juhani@computer:~$ sudo apt install -y libqt5webview5-dev 

> Now that those packages are installed, a window pops up and this time
> it's correctly showing the Debian.org website. Also, a cert error is
> printed out in the console.
>     juhani@computer:~$ qmlscene webviewtest.qml
>     [5881:5903:0825/135426.420134:ERROR:nss_util.cc(727)] After loading Root 
> Certs, loaded==false: NSS error code: -8018

I just found out that removing qml-module-qtwebengine also
causes "No WebView plug-in found!" and no website shown.


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