
On Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 04:21:20AM -0800, Steve Langasek wrote:
> For the benefit of those following the discussion who haven't already heard
> via IRC or otherwise, I suppose I should mention here that the release team
> is running out of objections to GNOME 2.8 in unstable that the GNOME team
> hasn't satisfactorily addressed; which means we'll probably sign off on GNOME
> 2.8 in sid shortly, once we know precautions are taken to address the last of
> our concerns.

Many thanks!

> > If we get your OK to do the upload, my personal opinion is that once 2.8
> > is in unstable, it'd be difficult to not end up shipping with GNOME 2.8
> > in sarge, as the new shlibs will trickle to not-so-gnome-ish packages
> > like Firefox and so. Others may think that it should be possible to work
> > as KDE packages are doing it. Again, I'm confident that it'll go
> > smoothly.
> First, the results of partial upgrade testing you provided upon request
> were specifically sought after to ensure that any non-viable (i.e.,
> unreleasable) package combinations would be sorted out before uploading to
> unstable.  I consider it not only not difficult, but *likely* that sarge
> will ship with a mix of GNOME 2.6/2.8, since the first of the libs will
> probably make it into testing much sooner than the last of the apps (even
> if we just count those maintained by the GNOME team), and there's a good
> chance the freeze will happen in the meantime.  So hopefully we're in
> agreement about what "end up shipping with GNOME 2.8" means.

I hope the mixed situation you describe won't happen, but yes, with "not
end up shipping GNOME 2.8" I mainly meant the libs, as that's what
affects it. Shipping the libs involves shipping at least nautilus too,
due to the dependencies for the MIME transition.

On Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 12:24:38PM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
> All right, after a good deal of discussion we think you should go ahead
> with GNOME 2.8.1, with the following provisos (some of which will be
> obvious to you, I guess):
>   * Please make sure to get all the libraries through as quickly as
>     possible to reduce the impact on the rest of the distribution.
>     Upload with urgency=low to start with, but we may be willing to
>     speed things up once we see that things are going well. Coordinate
>     any necessary hints on #debian-release for speed.

What do you guys think would be the best upload strategy?
For now, we were planning doing an upload of the lower libs in the
chain, which don't depend on other GNOME 2.8 libs so the autobuilders
are able to build them straight away without choking on
missing/insufficient build-deps. Should we consider other factors?

>   * Tell us as soon as possible about any partial upgrade implications:
>     we must not get into a state where sarge doesn't work due to only
>     part of GNOME being promoted when other parts were needed to, as
>     happened with GNOME 2.6.

*Nod*. We might want to preemtively add an RC bug on the lowest libs in
the chain until after two days or so we see things are going well.

>   * Please make sure that any growth in the size of a system installed
>     with 'tasksel install desktop' is kept to a minimum, to avoid CD
>     problems. If necessary, coordinate with debian-boot and debian-cd.

*nod*. For -gtk-gnome readers, this involves a few things for

- even if they are now part of the official Desktop release, we're not
  going to add evolution, vino, gnome-system-tools and the other new
  modules, to avoid filling up the CD as much as possible.
- due to Sarge's official kernel being 2.4.x, we'll keep magicdev as the
  default device mounting program for now, despite it's clearly inferior
  to gnome-volume-manager. g-v-m depends on hal/dbus/udev, and would
  also make optimal GNOME install depend on kernel 2.6.

We'll document these somewhere, so people can get the missing stuff
installed easily.

> Much of the reason why we're OKing this at all is that the GNOME team
> has demonstrated good reaction times of late; we hope that this
> continues. :-)

We'll do our best to keep up. :)

Jordi Mallach Pérez  --  Debian developer     http://www.debian.org/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.sindominio.net/
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