On 2017-04-12 13:26, Niels Thykier wrote:
> I see you have been busy filing bugs for issues in the upgrade path.
> Many thanks for that, it is greatly appreciated. :)
> Do you have an overview of how the upgrade paths are looking these days?
>  Like how much have we tested vs. how much is missing?

I don't think I have much backlog left (usually taking logs from my 
piuparts instance, we only recently started running more complicated 
upgrade paths on piuparts.d.o). But I don't always catch buggy uploads 
to sid that are unblocked+aged/2 :-)

Concerning "kept back" packages:

(these lists are too long, retesting them is queued, most should be
fixed by libstdc++6 now having Breaks: libopenmpi1.6)
* ignore packages no longer existing in stretch (version=None)
* a nasty one is jakuk
  - switches from Depends: mplayer2 to Depends: mplayer
  - mplayer2 becomes a transitional package with Conflicts: mplayer
  - mplayer was a virtual package and is now a real package
* code-saturne-bin seems to get bitten by libopenmpi1.6 in stretch 
  carrying a Conflicts: libopenmpi2 (which we have in stretch)
  that is a bug in apt (but I don't think I even filed that one)
  see #859986 against libopenmpi1.6 in jessie which must be fixed
  in the upcoming point release (otherwise it's hopefully too late)
  but a better solution would be welcome that does not require
  fixes in stable

Looking at wheezy2jessie2stretch (we don't have that on piuparts.d.o),
I mostly see bugs involving packages no longer in stretch.

I haven't fully gone through failure logs from upgrades starting in
squeeze or lenny and going step by step to stretch.

About failures in stretch:

* There are 4 packages that cannot be tested with piuparts right now
because they seem to involve a circular dependency involving a virtual
package that has 2 providers ...
- nova-compule-*
- homer-api-mysql

Package: homer-api-mysql
Depends: homer-api (= 5.0.6+dfsg2-3)
Conflicts: homer-api-postgresql

Package: homer-api
Depends: homer-api-datastore

Package homer-api-datastore is a virtual package provided by:
  homer-api-postgresql 5.0.6+dfsg2-3
  homer-api-mysql 5.0.6+dfsg2-3

* https://piuparts.debian.org/stretch/debsums_mismatch_error.html
These failures are OK, and I won't downgrade them as I have done
in previous releases (only aspell-xx leaf packages are remaining
that "just" need to be updated to a modern
dictionaries-common-dev based packaging)

* design-desktop hangs while being tested by piuparts, maybe
something on our side, debconf is involved, goes away if
running piuparts without /usr/bin/timeout

* gitlab is waiting for migration (hint outdated), sid version is
  probably not worse than (uninstallable) stretch version

* metaphlan2-data and pv-grub-menu have downgraded bugs, OK for me


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