Hi Niels,

I am (slowly) progressing through my britney2 changes for autopkgtest
support. I have incorporated the Ubuntu implementation on the Debian
britney2 stack and have fixed the regression tests that Ubuntu provided,
at least those that I think should remain working in the Debian setup,
which is the fast majority.

My aim is to implement the support for autopktest in such a way that it
keeps on supporting the use-case for Ubuntu, while supporting the Debian
use-case as well. Do you want/appreciate that as well?

Now I'd like to already share what I have with you, but it isn't
finished yet. I am working on a dedicated branch for now. Do you want me
to push this branch to github already, or doesn't that work as intended
(by me)?

My next steps will be:
- add support for debci results from file (additional to the Ubuntu
implementation where results are directly downloaded by britney2 from swift)
- make URL's in excuses (for autopkgtest results) configurable to enable
code sharing between Debian and Ubuntu (and other derivatives)
- adjust britney2 to not block on autopkgtest failure but instead adjust
the required age depending on the results (lower for pass, raise for


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