Control: tags -1 confirmed

On 26/09/17 19:12, Anton Gladky wrote:
> Control: tags -1 -moreinfo
> All rdeps are tested against new version (except vtk6
> due to the current dependency problem in sid).
> Package: avogadro     OK
> Package: drawxtl        OK
> Package: gabedit       OK
> Package: gfsview       OK
> Package: giac           OK
> Package: gmsh        OK
> Package: oce         OK
> Package: octave      OK
> Package: paraview    OK
> Package: qtiplot     OK
> Package: sumo        OK
> Package: vtk6        Not testable now in sid, fails to install deps
> Package: xcrysden    OK
> Please consider scheduling the transition.

Go ahead.


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