On 2018-06-20 15:55, Ian Jackson wrote:
I have just read this bug report (which affects a situation I care
about) and I don't quite understand.

Adam writes:
britney knows nothing about changelogs. The input is a strictly
chronological (in terms of when dak accepted the package) list of
source package name, version and urgency tuples for all uploads to
the main archive.

What I don't understand is why it is not correct for britney to use
the urgency of the actual version it is considering migrating, rather
than some other version.

If you upload 1.0-2 containing an RC bug fix, so with "Urgency: high" and then, before 1.0-2 has migrated, upload 1.0-3 with default urgency, what should happen?

Currently the result is that the "high" from 1.0-2 is used, and 1.0-3 (including the RC bug fix) migrates two days later. If only 1.0-3's urgency is considered, the package spends at least another five days in unstable before the RC fix reaches testing.



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