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Historically, queue-viewer (the tool used to produce https://release.de
bian.org/proposed-updates/stable.html), has produced XML output and
then used XSLT to generate the HTML output. That process imposes some
limitations and awkwardness, so we'd like to replace it with an
alternative (probably using a Jinja template).

The XML output used to be consumed by the PRSC process, but that hasn't
been the case for a while. So far, the only current reliance on any
artefact of the queue-viewer output I've been able to find is
tracker.d.o linking to specific output rows in the HTML.

In summary, I'm proposing moving the XML output out of the web tree in
the very near future, and likely considering it fair game for
replacement - or at least potential breakage - in a couple of weeks or
so after that.

If you're aware of anything that is likely to be affected by this,
please let us know *now*.



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