On Wed, 3 Oct 2018 19:15:14 +0200
Mattia Rizzolo <mat...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> On Wed, Oct 03, 2018 at 05:20:59PM +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> > https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/python3.7.html
> > 
> > At what point does a package listed as unknown get processed to
> > determine if it is good or bad?  
> python3 transitions are annoyingly hard to track due to many case
> corners.
> Yesterday I failed at least 6 bugs against packages that were marked
> as unknown due to the wrong build-depends line (IIRC you were amongst
> the maintainers of those packages).
> > What is the trigger for that process?  
> that's enterely manual, and the sad bit is that there aren't "notes"
> nor anybody is going to manually exclude packages from the tracker.
> Except people fixing their wrong build-depends (but that still leaves
> cases of packages correctly build-depending on e.g. python3-all-)bg
> for tests but still being arch:all and so creating a package with a
> depends on only a possibly unversioned python3).
> > How do arch:all packages affect the tracker?  
> like all other packages...  I don't understand your question.
> > https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/nuitka is marked as good but all of
> > the other arch:all packages are unknown.  
> most of arch:all packages shouldn't appear in the tracker at all (and
> indeed they don't).

Thanks, that answered my question above.

> > Equally, packages are listed as unknown with a highlight denoting 
> > "Dependencies" on another package. If that package is marked as
> > good, why is the unknown package not checked?  
> What highlighting are you talking about?

It's a highlight shown on mouseover of the package name in the
transition page. Turns out it's not relevant to the problem itself.

> > The package I care about most is at Dependency level 7 and has a
> > highlight Dependencies: pyyaml which is in the good list. How do I
> > identify what (if anything) I can do about this being listed as
> > unknown? As far as I can tell, the package doesn't depend on any of
> > the packages currently listed as bad (most of which are sid-only).  
> I assume you are talking about src:lava.
> It's weird, I thought I had sent a bug to that, I wonder why I
> didn't...

It's ok, I can see the problem from your bug report on black. Thank
you, that has made it much clearer. I've updated black and uploaded
with a build-depends on python3 but not the rest of the list of
alternatives I had included in -1. I'm preparing an update of src:lava
as well.

> At any rate, the issue is like this:
>     https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=910094
> I must have messed up my list while running mass-bug....
> > One of my packages is at Dependency level 1 and unknown but I can't
> > tell if I have done anything wrong or how the package affects the
> > transition.  
> I assume you are talking about src:black.
> And indeed I did open a bug for that one yesterday:
>     https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=910094
> (incidentally, the same bug I reported a few lines above :P)
> At any rate, those false positives only cause noise in the tracker,
> they aren't actually hindering the transition if not for people like
> you now and me yesterday that wested their time looking at them.

All the more reason to fix the false positive. Sorry to have taken up
your time and I am grateful for the help.

> Currently proper overview of the transition is blocked by
> src:python3.7 not migrating due to src:openssl blocking the world.

OK, I understand.

> -- 
> regards,
>                         Mattia Rizzolo
> GPG Key: 66AE 2B4A FCCF 3F52 DA18  4D18 4B04 3FCD B944 4540      .''`.
> more about me:
> https://mapreri.org                             : :'  : Launchpad
> user: https://launchpad.net/~mapreri                  `. `'` Debian
> QA page: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=mattia  `-


Neil Williams

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