Control: tags -1 moreinfo confirmed

On Thu, 30 May 2019 00:36:36 +1000 Stuart Prescott <>
> There are two important bugs in python-debian that I would like to fix in
> buster. I don't think the changes are sufficiently large or problematic to
> prevent that, but I seek your pre-approval for them prior to uploading
> (diff against 0.1.34 attached).
> * debian_support.PackageFile is completely broken with non-ASCII Packages
>   and Sources files when used with Python 3. (#928655)
> * when processing debian/copyright files, NotMachineReadableError is not
>   raised when the file is not copyright-format/1.0. (not filed in the bts,
>   MR submitted directly, would be severity:important since it makes the
>   debian.copyright  module almost unusable for consumers like


> There are additionally two other minor bugs that are already fixed in git.
> Fixing them seems reasonable to me but your input is sought.
> * Stop using the deprecated autopkgtest needs-recommends restriction.


> * Prevent accidental overwriting of abc.Mapping and typing.Mapping with
>   Python 3.

Discussed on IRC.

Please go ahead and remove the moreinfo tag once there is something to


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