
On Sat, 2 Dec 2017 19:14:01 +0100 Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org>
> I brought this up in Cambridge, filing here so we can discuss specifics.
> At Mozilla we're using a template in bugzilla [1] for requests to
> cherry-pick changes from trunk to a release branch, to help release
> management assess reward/risk from specific changes, and I thought
> something like that might be useful in Debian too.

I think this is a great idea.

> [Feature/Bug causing the regression]:
> [User impact if declined]:
> [Is this code covered by automated tests?]
> [Has the fix been verified in Nightly?]
> [Needs manual test from QE? If yes, steps to reproduce]:
> [List of other uplifts needed for the feature/fix]:
> [Is the change risky?]:
> [Why is the change risky/not risky?]:
> [String changes made/needed]:
> I think most of it would also be useful here, framed something like:
> - when was the bug introduced, is it a regression
> - user impact of the bug
> - what automated or manual tests cover the affected code
> - has the change been verified in sid
> - some discussion of the risks involved, if only so the
>   maintainer/submitter asks themselves that question
> - l10n impact

- what does it mean if we don't have this in <next-(point-)release>
- key package / leaf package
- please explain *all* the changes (i.e. a new upstream release is very
often *not* a targeted fix)
- are *all* the changes documented in the changelog (checklist item)
- did you review all the changes personally and what is your judgment?

> It can't be too long or it will be a pain for people to write and for us
> to read, so maybe we should trim that down a bit, but if we can reduce
> the back and forth by having more relevant information in those bug
> reports I think that might be useful.

Yes. The example below from Ubuntu may be too long.

> Ubuntu may have something in their SRU bug process too?

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates says:
3.1. SRU Bug Template


 * An explanation of the effects of the bug on users and

 * justification for backporting the fix to the stable release.

 * In addition, it is helpful, but not required, to include an
   explanation of how the upload fixes this bug.

[Test Case]

 * detailed instructions how to reproduce the bug

 * these should allow someone who is not familiar with the affected
   package to reproduce the bug and verify that the updated package fixes
   the problem.

[Regression Potential]

 * discussion of how regressions are most likely to manifest as a result
of this change.

 * It is assumed that any SRU candidate patch is well-tested before
   upload and has a low overall risk of regression, but it's important
   to make the effort to think about what ''could'' happen in the
   event of a regression.

 * This both shows the SRU team that the risks have been considered,
   and provides guidance to testers in regression-testing the SRU.

[Other Info]

 * Anything else you think is useful to include
 * Anticipate questions from users, SRU, +1 maintenance, security teams
and the Technical Board
 * and address these questions in advance


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