On Wed, 2019-07-03 at 03:55 +0200, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> In #931040 I was indicated to postpone the fix for #931021 to
> past the initial buster release, so it can get some more testing
> in unstable in the meantime. (That being said I hope to get
> MuseScore 3.x into unstable as opposed to experimental rather
> quickly as well… which incidentally had the web part disabled
> already, since 3.x uses a library not portable to all arches…)
> I’d like to get the same change I posted to #931040 (which is
> rather tiny) into buster, somehow; I assume I’d have to upload
> with “buster” in the first line of the changelog; versioning
> is the question (I would suggest 2.3.2+dfsg2-7~deb10+1) if you
> cannot simply migrate the -7 package from sid to buster-p-u.

It would need to be a new upload, indeed. The version seems sensible,
and target would indeed be "buster". Please attach a debdiff of the
proposed upload to this report (but do not upload it at this stage).



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