Severity: wishlist
Usertags: britney

Library packages still have ABI differences despite the best effort to track them, and often migrate undetected. Reasons for that might be

 - No symbols files provided in the package.
 - No easy way to write a symbols file for C++, and unable
   to differentiate between real issues and artifacts due to
   compiler changes.
 - Intentionally ignored ABI changes ("it's not part of the ABI")

A first step could be to just run abigail on such packages, report issues but not block on those, to get an idea for possible issues.

An alternative could be to add abigail support to the packaging, as an alternative to symbols files. That would either require a new packaging helper dh_abigail, or integration into dpkg/debhelper. But maybe this isn't just an alternative, but a separate step.

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