
MariaDB 10.5 release 1:10.5.8-3 finally entered Debian testing
today[1]. It has been in unstable since early September, and the work
on the successor of 10.3 in Debian started already in January (with
10.4 which then turned into 10.5 as upstream released it this spring).

This also means that MariaDB 10.3 will be removed (or the remaining
traces of it to be exact) in the following weeks.

MariaDB 10.5 has a rather massive 45 step CI pipeline just for
Debian[2] and we hope the number of bugs is small, but still it is
always expected that in a major upgrade like 10.3 -> 10.5 users might
experience some issues.

If you encounter issues

1) file a high quality bug report at bugs.debian.org, and consider
filing one in parallel at upstream at jira.mariadb.org if the issue
does not seem to be packaging related

2) send a merge request on Salsa following guidelines at

MariaDB in Debian is quite heavily on my shoulders right now. I would
be very glad to see more merge requests, even small ones are nice and
show that people contribute.

Some git stats for the post-10.3 cycle in Debian:

git summary 7bf99ca66..HEAD

 project  : mariadb-10.5
 commits  : 197
 authors  :
   187 Otto Kekäläinen     94.9%
     2 Christian Göttsche  1.0%
     2 Helmut Grohne       1.0%
     1 Aurelien Jarno      0.5%
     1 Bastian Germann     0.5%
     1 Christian Ehrhardt  0.5%
     1 Daniel Black        0.5%
     1 Faustin Lammler     0.5%
     1 Miroslav Kure       0.5%

Thanks to all contributors! [3]
Also a big thanks those who sent patches as files and very helpful
hints, in particular jrtc27 and the porter folks!

[1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/mariadb-10.5
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-10.5/-/pipelines/200608
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/mariadb-team/mariadb-10.5/-/graphs/master

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