On Monday, 1 February 2021 8:07:36 AM AEDT Reinhard Tartler wrote:
> Have you considered keeping your NFS share with the OCI images,
> but using a registry just for distribution to your cluster?
> This way your registry is basically just a cache.

All the down sides and no benefits. Space creep would still be there
plus another moving part to maintain plus it is another single point
of failure.
By the way I'm not using NFS but a different technology...

> I can follow your thinking, and I sympathize, but ultimately, I
> still think that on the compromise between keeping varlink and podman
> at version 2.1, and updating to podman 3.0 and getting docker-compose
> functionality, Debian's users are better served by having podman 3.0
> in bullseye.

Maybe... But we should not break testing/unstable for that matter.
This very conversation suggests that the technology is too unstable
and too volatile for "stable" (Bullseye). IMHO docker compose is
unimportant and redundant while Podman-based Nomad-driven cluster
orchestration have much more potential.
If upstreams fix the problem quick enough then we should be able
to make Podman-3.0 ready in time. There still a chance.

Kind regards,
 Dmitry Smirnov
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