Am Sun, Dec 05, 2021 at 10:53:56AM +0100 schrieb Paul Gevers:
> Hi Andres,
> On 05-12-2021 03:36, Andres Salomon wrote:
> > So what's happening with chromium in both sid and stable? I saw on
> > d-release that it was removed from testing (#998676 and #998732), with a
> > discussion about ending security support for it in stable. I'm willing
> > to help out with chromium packaging if the problem is simply lack of
> > time (or I could just as easily help with something like
> > ungoogled-chromium, #939406, if the plan is to have that in debian
> > instead). Either way, both as a user and a developer, it is really not
> > great to have chromium in limbo.   :(
> The problem really is lack of maintenance. In my opinion, chromium deserves
> an active *team* to support it in Debian. What we have seen over the past
> years, are just (more or less) incidental uploads. Not enough for stable (we
> shipped it in bullseye because we had the impression support was picked up
> again, but alas). We'll not ship it in bookworm unless we see steady uploads
> in unstable and we see security uploads in stable. The security team doesn't
> have the bandwidth to do it themselves, they need a team to help them.

Exactly that.

I'd suggest anyone who's interested in seeing Chromium supported to first
update it in unstable (and then work towards updated in bullseye-security).

If it gets actively maintained again there's no real blocker to have it in
bookworm, but it's a lot of work.


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