Followup-For: Bug #1020303

Dear stable release team,

Yesterday I've uploaded fixed versions of modsecurity-apache to buster / 
stretch as part of
the Debian LTS/ELTS project. (DLA-3283-1 / ELA-77-9-1)

Since this bug (#1023303) has been opened, the issue Alberto wanted to 
addressed has been
assigned CVE-2022-48279.

An additinal vulnerability has been identified as well, CVE-2023-24021, which 
is also fixed
by this proposed upload.

I'd like to see these fixes also in stable, therefore the attached debdiff 
fixes both issues.

To make sure that there is no misunderstanding: The change in
modsecurity-apache does NOT affect stable's modsecurity-crs at all, there is no
incompatiblity here (only a newer modsecurity-crs needs this fixes to work

[ Reason ]
Fixing CVE-2022-48279 and CVE-2023-24021 also in stable.

[ Impact ]


In ModSecurity before 2.9.6 and 3.x before 3.0.8, HTTP multipart requests were
incorrectly parsed and could bypass the Web Application Firewall. NOTE: this is
related to CVE-2022-39956 but can be considered independent changes to the
ModSecurity (C language) codebase.


Incorrect handling of null-bytes in file uploads in ModSecurity before 2.9.7
may allow for Web Application Firewall bypasses and buffer overflows on the Web
Application Firewall when executing rules reading the FILES_TMP_CONTENT

[ Tests ]

The changes were checked with the modsecurity-crs test suite on
a bullseye, buster and stretch VM.

The have been reviewed by Ervin (package maintainer, modsecurity-crs upstream)
and Ervin also conducted tests.

[ Risks ]

IMHO Risk is low:
- The patches are from the upstream puill requests
- significant testing effort has been done.

[ Checklist ]
  [X] *all* changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [X] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [X] attach debdiff against the package in (old)stable
  [X] the issue is verified as fixed in unstable

[ Other info ]

Note that the description of CVE-2023-24021 on e.g mitre / security tracker is
outdated, the updated text quoted is currently pending to be updated by mitre,
as I've received updates from the discoveres of the vulnerability only after I 
filed the CVE last week.

diff -Nru modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/changelog modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/changelog
--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/changelog	2021-12-01 16:04:02.000000000 +0100
+++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/changelog	2023-01-27 10:09:29.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,7 +1,20 @@
+modsecurity-apache (2.9.3-3+deb11u2) bullseye; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload by the LTS security team.
+  [ Ervin Hegedus ]
+  * Fix CVE-2022-48279: Added multipart_part_headers.patch
+  [ Tobias Frost ]
+  * Fix CVE-2023-24021, cherry-picking upstream commit. (Closes: #1029329)
+  * Fix typo in CVE number in 2.9.3-3+deb11u1 entry. (s/--/-/)
+ -- Tobias Frost <>  Fri, 27 Jan 2023 10:09:29 +0100
 modsecurity-apache (2.9.3-3+deb11u1) bullseye-security; urgency=high
   * Added json_depth_limit.patch
-    Fixes CVE--2021-42717
+    Fixes CVE-2021-42717
  -- Ervin Hegedus <>  Wed, 01 Dec 2021 16:04:02 +0100
diff -Nru modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/CVE-2023-24021_FILES_TMP_CONTENT.patch modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/CVE-2023-24021_FILES_TMP_CONTENT.patch
--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/CVE-2023-24021_FILES_TMP_CONTENT.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/CVE-2023-24021_FILES_TMP_CONTENT.patch	2023-01-27 10:03:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Description: CVE-2023-24021 FILES_TMP_CONTENT may sometimes lack complete content
+From 4324f0ac59f8225aa44bc5034df60dbeccd1d334 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Martin Vierula <>
+Date: Wed, 4 Jan 2023 11:34:11 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix: FILES_TMP_CONTENT may sometimes lack complete content
+--- a/apache2/re_variables.c
++++ b/apache2/re_variables.c
+@@ -1164,6 +1164,7 @@
+                 FILE *file;
+                 size_t nread;
+                 char *full_content = NULL;
++                char *full_content_tmp_ptr = NULL;
+                 size_t total_lenght = 0;
+                 msre_var *rvar = NULL;
+@@ -1173,19 +1174,23 @@
+                     continue;
+                 }
++                full_content = (char *)apr_pcalloc(mptmp, (sizeof(char)*parts[i]->length) + 1);
++                if (full_content == NULL) {
++                    if (msr->txcfg->debuglog_level >= 3) {
++                        msr_log(msr, 3, "Variable FILES_TMP_CONTENT will not be created, not " \
++                            "enough memory available.");
++                    }
++                    goto files_tmp_content_not_enough_mem;
++                }
++                full_content_tmp_ptr = full_content;
+                 while ((nread = fread(buf, 1, 1023, file)) > 0)
+                 {   
+-                    total_lenght += nread;
+-                    buf[nread] = '\0';
+-                    if (full_content == NULL)
+-                    {
+-                        full_content = apr_psprintf(mptmp, "%s", buf);
+-                    }
+-                    else
+-                    {
+-                        full_content = apr_psprintf(mptmp, "%s%s", full_content, buf);
+-                    }
++                    full_content_tmp_ptr = memcpy(full_content_tmp_ptr, buf, nread);
++                    full_content_tmp_ptr += nread;
++                    total_lenght         += nread;
+                 }
++                full_content_tmp_ptr[total_lenght] = '\0';
+                 fclose(file);
+                 rvar = apr_pmemdup(mptmp, var, sizeof(msre_var));
+@@ -1200,6 +1205,7 @@
+         }
+     }
+     return count;
+ }
diff -Nru modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/multipart_part_headers.patch modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/multipart_part_headers.patch
--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/multipart_part_headers.patch	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/multipart_part_headers.patch	2023-01-27 10:09:29.000000000 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+Description: CVE-2022-48279: Multipart parsing fixes and new MULTIPART_PART_HEADERS collection.
+ ModSecurity creates from now a new variable: MULTIPART_PART_HEADERS
+ This needs for some special CoreRuleSet rules, which has allocated CVE's.
+Author: Ervin Hegedus <>
+Origin: other
+Bug: not published yet
+Last-Update: 2022-09-08
+--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3.orig/apache2/msc_multipart.c
++++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/apache2/msc_multipart.c
+@@ -318,7 +318,14 @@ static int multipart_process_part_header
+         }
+         msr->mpd->mpp_state = 1;
++        msr->mpd->mpp_substate_part_data_read = 0;
+         msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_name = NULL;
++        /* Record the last part header line in the collection */
++        if (msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line != NULL) {
++            *(char **)apr_array_push(msr->mpd->mpp->header_lines) = msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line;
++            msr_log(msr, 9, "Multipart: Added part header line \"%s\"", msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line);
++        }
+     } else {
+         /* Header line. */
+@@ -372,12 +379,28 @@ static int multipart_process_part_header
+                 *error_msg = apr_psprintf(msr->mp, "Multipart: Part header too long.");
+                 return -1;
+             }
++            if ((msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line != NULL) && (msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_name != NULL)
++                && (new_value != NULL)) {
++                msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line = apr_psprintf(msr->mp,
++                    "%s: %s", msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_name, new_value);
++            }
+         } else {
+             char *header_name, *header_value, *data;
+             /* new header */
++            /* Record the most recently-seen part header line in the collection */
++            if (msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line != NULL) {
++                *(char **)apr_array_push(msr->mpd->mpp->header_lines) = msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line;
++                msr_log(msr, 9, "Multipart: Added part header line \"%s\"", msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line);
++           }
+             data = msr->mpd->buf;
++            msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line = apr_pstrdup(msr->mp, data);
++            remove_lf_crlf_inplace(msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line);
+             while((*data != ':') && (*data != '\0')) data++;
+             if (*data == '\0') {
+                 *error_msg = apr_psprintf(msr->mp, "Multipart: Invalid part header (colon missing): %s.",
+@@ -431,6 +454,8 @@ static int multipart_process_part_data(m
+     if (error_msg == NULL) return -1;
+     *error_msg = NULL;
++    msr->mpd->mpp_substate_part_data_read = 1;
+     /* Preserve some bytes for later. */
+     if (   ((MULTIPART_BUF_SIZE - msr->mpd->bufleft) >= 1)
+         && (*(p - 1) == '\n') )
+@@ -673,10 +698,14 @@ static int multipart_process_boundary(mo
+         if (msr->mpd->mpp == NULL) return -1;
+         msr->mpd->mpp->type = MULTIPART_FORMDATA;
+         msr->mpd->mpp_state = 0;
++        msr->mpd->mpp_substate_part_data_read = 0;
+         msr->mpd->mpp->headers = apr_table_make(msr->mp, 10);
+         if (msr->mpd->mpp->headers == NULL) return -1;
+         msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_name = NULL;
++        msr->mpd->mpp->last_header_line = NULL;
++        msr->mpd->mpp->header_lines = apr_array_make(msr->mp, 2, sizeof(char *));
++        if (msr->mpd->mpp->header_lines == NULL) return -1;
+         msr->mpd->reserve[0] = 0;
+         msr->mpd->reserve[1] = 0;
+@@ -976,6 +1005,19 @@ int multipart_complete(modsec_rec *msr,
+                     && (*(msr->mpd->buf + 2 + strlen(msr->mpd->boundary)) == '-')
+                     && (*(msr->mpd->buf + 2 + strlen(msr->mpd->boundary) + 1) == '-') )
+                 {
++                    if ((msr->mpd->crlf_state_buf_end == 2) && (msr->mpd->flag_lf_line != 1)) {
++                        msr->mpd->flag_lf_line = 1;
++                        if (msr->mpd->flag_crlf_line) {
++                            msr_log(msr, 4, "Multipart: Warning: mixed line endings used (CRLF/LF).");
++                        } else {
++                            msr_log(msr, 4, "Multipart: Warning: incorrect line endings used (LF).");
++                        }
++                    }
++                    if (msr->mpd->mpp_substate_part_data_read == 0) {
++                        /* it looks like the final boundary, but it's where part data should begin */
++                        msr->mpd->flag_invalid_part = 1;
++                        msr_log(msr, 4, "Multipart: Warning: Invalid part (data contains final boundary)");
++                    }
+                     /* Looks like the final boundary - process it. */
+                     if (multipart_process_boundary(msr, 1 /* final */, error_msg) < 0) {
+                         msr->mpd->flag_error = 1;
+@@ -1068,54 +1110,62 @@ int multipart_process_chunk(modsec_rec *
+                 if (   (strlen(msr->mpd->buf) >= strlen(msr->mpd->boundary) + 2)
+                     && (strncmp(msr->mpd->buf + 2, msr->mpd->boundary, strlen(msr->mpd->boundary)) == 0) )
+                 {
+-                    char *boundary_end = msr->mpd->buf + 2 + strlen(msr->mpd->boundary);
+-                    int is_final = 0;
+-                    /* Is this the final boundary? */
+-                    if ((*boundary_end == '-') && (*(boundary_end + 1)== '-')) {
+-                        is_final = 1;
+-                        boundary_end += 2;
+-                        if (msr->mpd->is_complete != 0) {
+-                            msr->mpd->flag_error = 1;
+-                            *error_msg = apr_psprintf(msr->mp,
+-                                "Multipart: Invalid boundary (final duplicate).");
+-                            return -1;
+-                        }
++                    if (msr->mpd->crlf_state_buf_end == 2) {
++                        msr->mpd->flag_lf_line = 1;
+                     }
++                    if ((msr->mpd->mpp_substate_part_data_read == 0) && (msr->mpd->boundary_count > 0)) {
++                        /* string matches our boundary, but it's where part data should begin */
++                        msr->mpd->flag_invalid_part = 1;
++                        msr_log(msr, 4, "Multipart: Warning: Invalid part (data contains boundary)");
++                    } else {
++                        char *boundary_end = msr->mpd->buf + 2 + strlen(msr->mpd->boundary);
++                        int is_final = 0;
+-                    /* Allow for CRLF and LF line endings. */
+-                    if (   ( (*boundary_end == '\r')
+-                              && (*(boundary_end + 1) == '\n')
+-                              && (*(boundary_end + 2) == '\0') )
+-                        || ( (*boundary_end == '\n')
+-                              && (*(boundary_end + 1) == '\0') ) )
+-                    {
+-                        if (*boundary_end == '\n') {
+-                            msr->mpd->flag_lf_line = 1;
+-                        } else {
+-                            msr->mpd->flag_crlf_line = 1;
++                        /* Is this the final boundary? */
++                        if ((*boundary_end == '-') && (*(boundary_end + 1)== '-')) {
++                            is_final = 1;
++                            boundary_end += 2;
++                            if (msr->mpd->is_complete != 0) {
++                                msr->mpd->flag_error = 1;
++                                *error_msg = apr_psprintf(msr->mp,
++                                    "Multipart: Invalid boundary (final duplicate).");
++                                return -1;
++                            }
+                         }
+-                        if (multipart_process_boundary(msr, (is_final ? 1 : 0), error_msg) < 0) {
++                        /* Allow for CRLF and LF line endings. */
++                        if (   ( (*boundary_end == '\r')
++                                  && (*(boundary_end + 1) == '\n')
++                                  && (*(boundary_end + 2) == '\0') )
++                            || ( (*boundary_end == '\n')
++                                  && (*(boundary_end + 1) == '\0') ) )
++                        {
++                            if (*boundary_end == '\n') {
++                                msr->mpd->flag_lf_line = 1;
++                            } else {
++                                msr->mpd->flag_crlf_line = 1;
++                            }
++                            if (multipart_process_boundary(msr, (is_final ? 1 : 0), error_msg) < 0) {
++                                msr->mpd->flag_error = 1;
++                                return -1;
++                            }
++                            if (is_final) {
++                                msr->mpd->is_complete = 1;
++                            }
++                            processed_as_boundary = 1;
++                            msr->mpd->boundary_count++;
++                        }
++                        else {
++                            /* error */
+                             msr->mpd->flag_error = 1;
++                            *error_msg = apr_psprintf(msr->mp,
++                                "Multipart: Invalid boundary: %s",
++                                log_escape_nq(msr->mp, msr->mpd->buf));
+                             return -1;
+                         }
+-                        if (is_final) {
+-                            msr->mpd->is_complete = 1;
+-                        }
+-                        processed_as_boundary = 1;
+-                        msr->mpd->boundary_count++;
+-                    }
+-                    else {
+-                        /* error */
+-                        msr->mpd->flag_error = 1;
+-                        *error_msg = apr_psprintf(msr->mp,
+-                            "Multipart: Invalid boundary: %s",
+-                            log_escape_nq(msr->mp, msr->mpd->buf));
+-                        return -1;
+                     }
+                 } else { /* It looks like a boundary but we couldn't match it. */
+                     char *p = NULL;
+@@ -1214,6 +1264,21 @@ int multipart_process_chunk(modsec_rec *
+             msr->mpd->bufptr = msr->mpd->buf;
+             msr->mpd->bufleft = MULTIPART_BUF_SIZE;
+             msr->mpd->buf_contains_line = (c == 0x0a) ? 1 : 0;
++            if (c == 0x0a) {
++                if (msr->mpd->crlf_state == 1) {
++                    msr->mpd->crlf_state = 3;
++               } else {
++                    msr->mpd->crlf_state = 2;
++               }
++           }
++            msr->mpd->crlf_state_buf_end = msr->mpd->crlf_state;
++        }
++        if (c == 0x0d) {
++            msr->mpd->crlf_state = 1;
++        } else if (c != 0x0a) {
++            msr->mpd->crlf_state = 0;
+         }
+         if ((msr->mpd->is_complete) && (inleft != 0)) {
+--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3.orig/apache2/msc_multipart.h
++++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/apache2/msc_multipart.h
+@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ struct multipart_part {
+     char                    *last_header_name;
+     apr_table_t             *headers;
++    char                    *last_header_line;
++    apr_array_header_t      *header_lines;
+     unsigned int             offset;
+     unsigned int             length;
+@@ -81,6 +83,15 @@ struct multipart_data {
+     char                    *bufptr;
+     int                      bufleft;
++    /* line ending status seen immediately before current position.
++     * 0 = neither LF nor CR; 1 = prev char CR; 2 = prev char LF alone;
++     * 3 = prev two chars were CRLF
++     */
++    int                      crlf_state;
++    /* crlf_state at end of previous buffer */
++    int                      crlf_state_buf_end;
+     unsigned int             buf_offset;
+     /* pointer that keeps track of a part while
+@@ -94,6 +105,14 @@ struct multipart_data {
+      */
+     int                      mpp_state;
++    /* part parsing substate;  if mpp_state is 1 (collecting
++     * data), then for this variable:
++     * 0 means we have not yet read any data between the
++     * post-headers blank line and the next boundary
++     * 1 means we have read at some data after that blank line
++     */
++    int                      mpp_substate_part_data_read;
+     /* because of the way this parsing algorithm
+      * works we hold back the last two bytes of
+      * each data chunk so that we can discard it
+--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3.orig/apache2/re_variables.c
++++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/apache2/re_variables.c
+@@ -1394,6 +1394,52 @@ static int var_files_combined_size_gener
+     return 1;
+ }
++static int var_multipart_part_headers_generate(modsec_rec *msr, msre_var *var, msre_rule *rule,
++    apr_table_t *vartab, apr_pool_t *mptmp)
++    multipart_part **parts = NULL;
++    int i, j, count = 0;
++    if (msr->mpd == NULL) return 0;
++    parts = (multipart_part **)msr->mpd->parts->elts;
++    for(i = 0; i < msr->mpd->parts->nelts; i++) {
++        int match = 0;
++        /* Figure out if we want to include this variable. */
++        if (var->param == NULL) match = 1;
++        else {
++            if (var->param_data != NULL) { /* Regex. */
++                char *my_error_msg = NULL;
++                if (!(msc_regexec((msc_regex_t *)var->param_data, parts[i]->name,
++                    strlen(parts[i]->name), &my_error_msg) == PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH)) match = 1;
++            } else { /* Simple comparison. */
++                if (strcasecmp(parts[i]->name, var->param) == 0) match = 1;
++            }
++        }
++        /* If we had a match add this argument to the collection. */
++        if (match) {
++            for (j = 0; j < parts[i]->header_lines->nelts; j++) {
++                char *header_line = ((char **)parts[i]->header_lines->elts)[j];
++                msre_var *rvar = apr_pmemdup(mptmp, var, sizeof(msre_var));
++                rvar->value = header_line;
++                rvar->value_len = strlen(rvar->value);
++                rvar->name = apr_psprintf(mptmp, "MULTIPART_PART_HEADERS:%s",
++                    log_escape_nq(mptmp, parts[i]->name));
++                apr_table_addn(vartab, rvar->name, (void *)rvar);
++                count++;
++           }
++        }
++    }
++    return count;
+ static int var_modsec_build_generate(modsec_rec *msr, msre_var *var, msre_rule *rule,
+@@ -2965,6 +3011,17 @@ void msre_engine_register_default_variab
+         VAR_CACHE,
+     );
++    msre_engine_variable_register(engine,
++        VAR_LIST,
++        0, 1,
++        var_generic_list_validate,
++        var_multipart_part_headers_generate,
++        VAR_CACHE,
++    );
+     /* GEO */
+     msre_engine_variable_register(engine,
+--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3.orig/modsecurity.conf-recommended
++++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/modsecurity.conf-recommended
+@@ -19,14 +19,14 @@ SecRequestBodyAccess On
+ # Enable XML request body parser.
+ # Initiate XML Processor in case of xml content-type
+ #
+-SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "(?:application(?:/soap\+|/)|text/)xml" \
++SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "^(?:application(?:/soap\+|/)|text/)xml" \
+      "id:'200000',phase:1,t:none,t:lowercase,pass,nolog,ctl:requestBodyProcessor=XML"
+ # Enable JSON request body parser.
+ # Initiate JSON Processor in case of JSON content-type; change accordingly
+ # if your application does not use 'application/json'
+ #
+-SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "application/json" \
++SecRule REQUEST_HEADERS:Content-Type "^application/json" \
+      "id:'200001',phase:1,t:none,t:lowercase,pass,nolog,ctl:requestBodyProcessor=JSON"
+ # Maximum request body size we will accept for buffering. If you support
+--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3.orig/tests/regression/misc/00-multipart-parser.t
++++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/tests/regression/misc/00-multipart-parser.t
+@@ -1811,3 +1811,47 @@
+     ),
+ },
++# part headers
++    type => "misc",
++    comment => "multipart parser (part headers)",
++    conf => qq(
++        SecRuleEngine On
++        SecDebugLog $ENV{DEBUG_LOG}
++        SecDebugLogLevel 9
++        SecRequestBodyAccess On
++        SecRule MULTIPART_STRICT_ERROR "\@eq 1" "phase:2,deny,status:400,id:500168"
++        SecRule REQBODY_PROCESSOR_ERROR "\@eq 1" "phase:2,deny,status:400,id:500169"
++        SecRule MULTIPART_PART_HEADERS:image "\@rx content-type:.*jpeg" "phase:2,deny,status:403,id:500170,t:lowercase"
++    ),
++    match_log => {
++        debug => [ qr/500170.*against MULTIPART_PART_HEADERS:image.*Rule returned 1./s, 1 ],
++    },
++    match_response => {
++        status => qr/^403$/,
++    },
++    request => new HTTP::Request(
++        POST => "http://$ENV{SERVER_NAME}:$ENV{SERVER_PORT}/test.txt";,
++        [
++            "Content-Type" => q(multipart/form-data; boundary=0000),
++        ],
++        normalize_raw_request_data(
++            q(
++                --0000
++                Content-Disposition: form-data; name="username"
++                Bill
++                --0000
++                Content-Disposition: form-data; name="email"
++                --0000
++                Content-Disposition: form-data; name="image"; filename="image.jpg"
++                Content-Type: image/jpeg
++                BINARYDATA
++                --0000--
++            ),
++        ),
++    ),
diff -Nru modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/series modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/series
--- modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/series	2021-12-01 16:04:02.000000000 +0100
+++ modsecurity-apache-2.9.3/debian/patches/series	2023-01-27 10:03:33.000000000 +0100
@@ -2,3 +2,5 @@

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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