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Here's the changelog:

  * New upstream release correcting the killVPS() method that was
  * Removed the link in /var/www to satisfy the Debian policy.
  * Added comments in README.Debian on how to manually activate the
stats page.
  * Added missing man page for dtc_kill_vps_disk.

Nothing's added but bug corrections, and a bit of doc (README.Debian is
bigger, and there's a new manpage that was missing).

The diff is attached.

Thanks for your time and the work in Lenny,

Thomas Goirand
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

diff -u -r dtc-xen-0.3.19/debian/changelog dtc-xen-0.3.21/debian/changelog
--- dtc-xen-0.3.19/debian/changelog	2008-09-10 20:02:17.000000000 +0000
+++ dtc-xen-0.3.21/debian/changelog	2008-09-10 20:02:36.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+dtc-xen (0.3.21-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream release correcting the killVPS() method that was notworking.
+  * Removed the link in /var/www to satisfy the Debian policy.
+  * Added comments in README.Debian on how to manually activate the stats page.
+  * Added missing man page for dtc_kill_vps_disk.
+ -- Thomas Goirand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 28 Aug 2008 13:21:05 +0800
 dtc-xen (0.3.19-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream release.
Only in dtc-xen-0.3.19/debian: dtc-xen.links
diff -u -r dtc-xen-0.3.19/debian/dtc-xen.manpages dtc-xen-0.3.21/debian/dtc-xen.manpages
--- dtc-xen-0.3.19/debian/dtc-xen.manpages	2008-09-10 20:02:17.000000000 +0000
+++ dtc-xen-0.3.21/debian/dtc-xen.manpages	2008-09-10 20:02:36.000000000 +0000
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
diff -u -r dtc-xen-0.3.19/debian/README.Debian dtc-xen-0.3.21/debian/README.Debian
--- dtc-xen-0.3.19/debian/README.Debian	2008-09-10 20:02:17.000000000 +0000
+++ dtc-xen-0.3.21/debian/README.Debian	2008-09-10 20:02:36.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,13 +1,55 @@
+Here is what you MUST do to have a working setup:
+0. Quick & durty setup without reading the rest of this text
+* apt-get install dtc-xen
+* check your /etc/hosts so that nodeXXXX.example.com corresponds to what
+you have set in debconf.
+* ln -s /usr/share/dtc-xen /var/www/dtc-xen
+* /usr/sbin/dtc-xen_finish_install
+* /etc/init.d/dtc-xen restart
+If you want to know why you have to do all this by hand, read further,
+otherwise, stop reading, you are already good to go.
+1. Password of the SOAP server
 When the package is setup in non-interactive mode, the password for
 /etc/dtc-xen/htpasswd is set randomly. In that case, you will need to setup
 a new password by running dpkg-reconfigure dtc-xen.
+2. Hostname of the SOAP server so it can binds to an IP
 Note also that if the package is not configured correctly, then the SOAP server
 wont be able to bind as the hostname will be wrong. Once again,
 dpkg-reconfigure dtc-xen will solve this problem. Of course, making this
 hostname resolvable for example by editing your /etc/hosts or your DNS IS
+3. Enabling the statistics page
+Because of Debian policy, the statistics page holding the usage graph for CPU,
+I/O and Network is not enabled by default. To enable the page, so you can
+do a quick symlink like this:
+ln -s /usr/share/dtc-xen /var/www/dtc-xen
+so you can browse http://nodeXXXX.example.com/dtc-xen.
+4. Updating the sshd config
+After installing dtc-xen, your users are still not able to login using the
+normal username [EMAIL PROTECTED] This is for 2 reasons. First,
+the /etc/sudoers must be updated so your users have the rights to start
+"xm console xenYY". Second, for security reasons, the port forwarding of
+your ssh server MUST be disabled, otherwise a nasty user could use it to get
+access to the telnet port of the VPS they don't own. This is why after the
+setup of the dtc-xen package, you should run on the shell:
+4. Restarting the SOAP server after install/upgrade
 Last thing, this is a known bug. When the package postinst scripts is ran, it
 starts the soap server. For an unknown reason, when it's done like this, your
 soap server will NOT be able to execute debootstrap and make it setup a Debian
@@ -18,3 +60,16 @@
 and your should be good to go (and setup Debian VPS with debootstrap
 automatically using DTC's web interface).
+5. Contribute helping enhancements
+If you think that all of the above is borring, and that all should be
+automated, then you are free to try and help us to make all this Debian
+POLICY COMPLIANT, which is really not an obvious thing to do. In the mean
+while, don't complain TO ME, but starts discutions in debian-devel, and
+help improving the distribution for a better, brighter, cleaner, and more
+user friendly distribution.
+On the behalf of all GPLHost staff, dtc-xen contributors and authors,
+Thomas Goirand
Only in dtc-xen-0.3.21/doc: dtc_kill_vps_disk.8
diff -u -r dtc-xen-0.3.19/src/dtc_kill_vps_disk.sh dtc-xen-0.3.21/src/dtc_kill_vps_disk.sh
--- dtc-xen-0.3.19/src/dtc_kill_vps_disk.sh	2008-07-01 11:31:17.000000000 +0000
+++ dtc-xen-0.3.21/src/dtc_kill_vps_disk.sh	2008-08-31 20:37:09.000000000 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then 
-	echo "Usage: $0 <xen id> <hdd size> <swap size> [lvm/vbd]"
+if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then 
+	echo "Usage: $0 <xen id> [lvm/vbd]"
@@ -18,9 +18,7 @@
 # redirect stdout and stderr to log files, so we can see what happened during install
diff -u -r dtc-xen-0.3.19/src/dtc-soap-server.py dtc-xen-0.3.21/src/dtc-soap-server.py
--- dtc-xen-0.3.19/src/dtc-soap-server.py	2008-07-01 11:31:17.000000000 +0000
+++ dtc-xen-0.3.21/src/dtc-soap-server.py	2008-08-31 20:37:09.000000000 +0000
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@
 		return "NOTOK"
-def killVPS(vpsname):
+def killVPS(vpsname,imagetype='lvm'):
 	username = getUser()
 	if username == dtcxen_user or username == vpsname:
 		logging.info("Destroying vps xen%s VPS partitions", vpsname)
-		cmd = "/usr/sbin/dtc_kill_vps_disk %s %s"(vpsname, imagetype)
+		cmd = "/usr/sbin/dtc_kill_vps_disk %s %s" % (vpsname, imagetype)
 		output = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
 		logging.debug("Command stdout: %s",cmd)

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