On 11638 March 1977, Adeodato Simó wrote:

> Once britney moves to 4 runs/day, it'll start at 4/10/16/22 (it's 10/20
> at the moment). Britney, unfortunately, and until we get a better
> version running, has a very variable runtime. I don't know if what DSA
> asked for was "set-in-stone time slots", but there are going to be days
> when Britney ends minutes before the next dinstall. (¹)

No. The timeslots are meant to be flexible and mostly time ranges in
which DSA does not need to hunt down an ftpmaster and a release team
member just to get an OK for a reboot. But instead can just take look if
something unusual is running (like a python process from britney eating
all memory for a long time), and if not can just reboot without asking

> OTOH, regarding when people are working on the machine, I think that if
> reboots are wall'ed with some padding, that's reasonable instead of
> always having to ask on IRC. IRC can still be used if a quicker reboot
> is needed, or as a nicety.

Yeah, but timeslots also tell you when no normal large "dont disturb
this please" cronjob is meant to be running.

bye, Joerg
<dloer> Joey was bist du eigentlich offiziell im debian projekt genau?

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