Dear release team,

The 4.4.x upstream series of strongswan fixes many issues of the 4.3.x series 
which is currently in Squeeze. Unfortunately, due to real life constraints on 
my part coupled with upstream packaging changes that required a few tries to 
get right on the Debian package side, I didn't manage to update it in time for 
the freeze. 

However, many current strongswan users ask for a 4.4.x version in Squeeze, and 
I agree that this is much preferrable to the current version in testing. See 
#506320: strongswan: include directives error and ikev2
#569550: strongswan: Please include attr plugin
#593768: strongswan: 4.4.1 unavailable in testing notwhistanding a freeze-
exception request

Additional upstream changes in 4.4.0 include:
* The ipsec pki utility, easing PKI/X.509 handling.
* farp and dhcp plugins for better road-warrior integration into internal 
network services.

Please add an exception for strongswan to allow 4.4.x into testing/Squeeze, as 
it greatly improves usability over the 4.3.x series.

PS: An upload (hopefully) fixing the FTBFS (which never happened on my systems) 
is pending. I intend to upload on Monday after verifying another fix.

best regards,

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