On 05.05.2012 06:59, Josh Triplett wrote:

>> I see three different solutions, which all suck in their own way:
>> a/ Make gir1.2-coglpango-1.0, gir1.2-cogl-1.0 and libcogl-pango0 break
>> libcogl5
> This seems like the best choice of the three you mentioned.  Anything
> using any of those and linking against libcogl5 will break, and "Breaks:
> libcogl5" seems like the best available proxy for "Breaks: everything
> depending on libcogl5 and this package".

Just tested it. Looks like downgrading libcogl-pango0 is sufficient to
avoid the gnome-shell crash.
Seems it doesn't matter if the typelib files in gir1.2-coglpango-1.0 and
gir1.2-cogl-1.0 are linked against libcogl9.
I'm not quite sure why that is. This probably would need further
investigation and more time.

> The more optimal but more difficult alternative: figure out all packages
> currently depending on libcogl5 and previous versions of the GNOME
> introspection bits, and declare a versioned breaks against all of them.

As we have packages in experimental, like empathy, which have a higher
version number but still link against libcogl5, this is not working that
great either.

>> b/ Make libcogl9 break libcogl5
> I don't think this one makes sense; those two libraries work fine on the
> same system as long as nothing loads both of them.
>> c/ Make libcogl9 break libclutter-1.0-0 << 1.10
> I don't think this one makes sense either, though it comes closer.

Well, libclutter-1.0-0-1.10 has a breaks against libcogl5 and basically
all packages using libcogl also use libclutter. So this would ensure
that all three libs (libcogl, libcogl-pango and libclutter) are upgraded
in lockstep.

It's still a bit early in the morning here, and I had no coffee yet, so
I might be missing something and I'd appreciate further comments.

That said, I'll probably just make libcogl-pango0 break libcogl5 as this
seems to be sufficient and upload this in a few hours.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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