On Sat, 11 Aug 2012 10:50:36 +0200
Marco Maria Luciani <marcomaria.luci...@live.it> wrote:

> I've tried install debian testing and stable with ethernet, but the network 
> interface does not recognize internet connection(the ip assigned "to rent" by 
> dhcp to complete the netinst installation)

Thanks for the report, there are ways to fix this but debian-release
isn't the right list for installation problems:


(esp. secction 5.4.5 reporting installation problems)

> I believe that this package needs a patch to configure the Internet 
> connection when installing debian

Actually, it's quite likely that the network card for the machine being
tested is missing some non-free firmware and isn't being recognised by
the kernel but, without logs, no-one can really help with this problem.
Please use the docs to see if you can get some debug information out of
the installation process and send that in as a bug report. Have you
been able to install Debian on this particular machine before?

I've tested d-i for testing recently and the network interface came up
normally via DHCP, using isc-dhcp.


Neil Williams

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