On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 13:15:44 -0400
Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <jord...@octave.org> wrote:

> On 15 August 2012 12:52, Neil McGovern <ne...@debian.org> wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 11:27:07AM -0400, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso wrote:
> >> Emacs 24 has been in pre-release mode
> >
> > So... not actually released then.
> Just because the Emacs devs are ultra-conservative. 24 has been in use
> by large swaths of the Emacs community for a long time.

Doesn't matter. That version was not released until three weeks before
the Debian freeze and did not get uploaded so could not be tested
within Debian. That version was not ready for a stable Debian release
as it failed to meet Debian quality requirements, despite upstream

This very bug report starts with a patch for architecture-specific
problems which would have been release-critical, indicating that
upstream did not release a version of emacs24 which was acceptable for
immediate adoption within Debian. This is quite common, few upstreams
have the resources to test on all Debian architectures.

Therefore, the use of 24 in the community is irrelevant - the version
of emacs24 released so close to the Debian freeze date was *not*
suitable for Debian and needed specific work by the maintainer at
DebConf to fix. (Thanks to Rob for doing the work.) The fixed version
would need testing but there is now no time to get that into Wheezy.

> >> Anyways, this doesn't answer my question, which I've asked thrice.
> >> Here it goes again: is this a done deal, and we're getting an ancient
> >> (yes, ancient) Emacs version for wheezy?
> >>
> >
> > You've had your answer. Please don't post on this subject again.
> No, I have not. I still have not had a clear answer that there is no
> way to get a modern Emacs into wheezy. Just please say "yes" if this
> is the case.

Three different people in Debian have already told you that emacs24 will
not be in Wheezy. Adding more complaints is not going to encourage
anyone to change their minds. emacs23 is in Wheezy and cannot be
considered "ancient" as it was the "modern" emacs up until a few short
weeks before the deadline.

The chance to get emacs24 into wheezy has come and gone. emacs24 was
not released early enough by upstream to be uploaded into Debian.
When it was released by upstream, it was not ready for inclusion into
Debian testing without the patch provided by the maintainer, which
took time to develop. The upstream release date was just too close to
the Debian freeze date. There was not enough time to get the upstream
release packaged, fixed and tested within Debian, so there is now no
route for emacs24 to get into Wheezy.

Important fixes from 24 could be backported to 23 and those may well be
approved by the release team, so work with the emacs maintainer. Adam
has already pointed this out.

The Debian freeze deadline was announced a year in advance, if this was
such a pressing issue, you could have started working with the Debian
maintainer and upstream months ago to push for an earlier release of 24
and an earlier upload to Debian - maybe by pushing pre-releases of 24
into experimental. The current Debian maintainer has already indicated
that he is happy with not having 24 in Wheezy due to the lack of time
for testing and the release critical bug in the original emacs24
release which he had to patch.


This is my final contribution to this bug - I don't even use emacs. I'm
just trying to help the release team concentrate on more useful parts
of the freeze rather than repeatedly answering the same question with
the same answer. The decision has been made, emacs24 was not and is not
ready for inclusion into Wheezy, the window for it to be considered
has closed. Wheezy will have emacs23, not emacs24 but emacs24 is
certainly a candidate for backports.


Neil Williams

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