On Wed, 22 Aug 2012 21:02:33 +0300
"Nanakos Chrysostomos" <nana...@wired-net.gr> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have a question to make before proceeding in trying to find a sponsor
> for one of my packages (mpg321). I want to close one or two bugs (non-RC)

Do those bug fixes meet the freeze criteria?


If not, push those changes into experimental and then use
wheezy-backports once it is available. Keep extraneous changes out of
the version of the package in unstable. Release-criteria changes only.

> but I want also to DISABLE one new feature that I added recently. This new
> feature (buffered output) does not perform very well and its not very
> stable making mpg321 unusable sometimes 

Nothing stops a maintainer filing an RC bug on their own package. You
discovered the problem, you can file (and fix) the bug. Disabling the
problematic behaviour could be an appropriate fix for that bug but
filing the bug at least makes sure that the release team and package
users get a chance to see why the change was necessary.

Spell out which packages are affected and what problems can result.

> (also sometimes breaks packages
> that use -b option that was not implemented till now because the behavior
> is non-deterministic). Because debian is in Freeze state for the moment
> will it be possible for this package to pass from unstable to testing and
> eventually to stable?

Individual emails to this list tend to get missed easily, it is much,
much better to file bugs - so that would be a second bug asking for an
unblock *after* filing the RC bug and getting a sponsor to upload a
version containing only the fix for that bug to unstable. (I'm *not*
volunteering as sponsor, at least not yet.) The unblock bug would need
the complete debdiff between the version in testing and the version in
unstable to be attached.

> Please CC me because I am not subscribed in the list.

Which is another reason to use bug reports.


Neil Williams

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