On Mon, 1 Oct 2012 17:39:08 -0400
Albert Huang <alberth.deb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I should've done this earlier, but better late than never, right?

Not really. There are time limits and they passed quite a long time ago
now...after a considerable period of notice of the time limits

> (I was under the impression that the packages must enter unstable
> before considering any wheezy/testing exceptions.)

All the packages you mention are at the same version in testing and
unstable currently - if you are proposing updated packages to be
uploaded to unstable then, yes, the packages must be already in
unstable and without fresh RC bugs before considering a freeze

A release freeze is NOT the right time to test new upstream versions of
packages! All packages for consideration in a Debian stable release
must be allowed time for testing within Debian before the release.

> I would also like to ask for an exception for a NEW package, tilem.

New packages do not meet the criteria for freeze exceptions.

1. fixes for release critical bugs (i.e., bugs of severity critical,
grave, and serious) in all packages;

2. changes for release goals, if they are not invasive; 

3. fixes for severity: important bugs in packages of priority: optional
or extra, only when this can be done via unstable;

4. translation updates and documentation fixes; pre-approved fixes;

5. as above, important changes that the maintainer feels are needed
before release.


> libticonv:
>   * Fixes #686635 and #678872. The former is a copyright bug that has
> been fixed by a NMU, which provides a partial fix that is remedied by
> my update. #678872 is an ITA.

If #686635 is only a partial fix, re-open the bug.

> libticables:
>   * This one fixes a LOT of bugs:

None of which are release critical for Debian.

ITA bugs are not release critical.

> I believe that these packages are very beneficial for the
> Debian/Ubuntu/Mint TI Linux community, and have significant demand.

But none have had any testing in Debian and the opportunity for these
packages to migrate into Wheezy has been missed.

> I've pasted the links of all of the debdiffs for the packages.
> libticonv is the only package that may be considered "ready" for
> uploading; the rest are undergoing last minute polish. Nevertheless,
> all of them are provided for reference.

So the packages are not even ready for testing in unstable... just how
long is Debian expected to wait for these updates when the window for
these uploads closed 3 months ago already?

> Please consider granting freeze exceptions for these packages!

Doesn't look as if any of these prospective uploads meet any of the
criteria for a freeze exception.

The packages have waited this long for an update, do the upload to
unstable after the release and then consider a backport. In the
meantime, please consider working on some of the existing RC bugs to
help get the release done. That way, everyone gets what they want


Neil Williams

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