Control: tag -1 confirmed moreinfo

On Mon, Dec 15, 2014 at 02:40:12AM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> I would suggest the following:
> * reintroduce the packages libx52pro0 and libx52pro-dev as dummy
>   packages into jessie: no files, no scripts (or only empty scripts if
>   needed for smooth upgrades - to have the new script succeed after the
>   old one failed)
> * there will be a clear upgrade path, this ensures the bad old scripts
>   are gone and the dummy packages can be removed from jessie without
>   problems
> * a (new) RC bug will be filed against the (soon to be) crippled
>   package in sid to keep it out of stretch
> If this seems acceptable, I can prepare the dummy packages and send a
> debdiff.

The other way is to fix it up through a point update in Wheezy before
Jessie is released, but that doesn't guarantee the user will install it.

So I don't think there's much choice, even if it is really nasty...
If you're happy to prepare the dummy packages, please go ahead and let's
see how they turn out.


Jonathan Wiltshire                            
Debian Developer               

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