On Mon, 20 Apr 2015 15:15:22 +0200
Vladimir Macek <ma...@sandbox.cz> wrote:

> Hi, I'm an avid user of both Debian and Django. I'd like to say
> thanks Luke for trying to get the 1.8 LTS to the new stable Debian.
> It would certainly be awesome for many Django-based apps to not
> require it's own copy of Django in their environments. And 1.8 looks
> like an exceptionally well-baked release.
> >From what I see it's unfortunately not the case and we'll stick to
> >1.7.7.

When 1.8 isn't even in experimental so that packages using django can
even test with the new major release, it is not a good idea to cause
the possible removal of reverse dependencies or trigger bugs in reverse
dependencies. Those reverse dependencies have not had time to get any
changes for django1.8 into testing. This would be particularly
difficult when those upstreams are also trying to retain support for
1.6 in Trusty.

Please do not unblock python-django - 1.8 can always go in via


Neil Williams

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