On Thu, Dec 03, 2015 at 01:22:13PM +0100, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On 03/12/15 13:15, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 07:08:55PM +0100, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> >>> On Wed, Dec 02, 2015 at 11:09:09AM +0000, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:

> >>> I've tested the packages which were blocked by libapache2-mod-perl2
> >>> today, and filed two new bug reports, against libembperl-perl[1] and
> >>> libapache-gallery-perl[2]. The former unfortunately has a history of
> >>> breaking with new perl releases and fixes may not be forthcoming;
> >>> it also has a low and diminishing popcon, so I think at this stage we
> >>> should not let it block our transition.
> >>>
> >>> The latter is a trivial fix (and does not block the transition as
> >>> it's an arch:all package); I expect it will be fixed either by the
> >>> maintainer, or by NMU, soon.

I've uploaded that now.

> >>> I will try some real world testing with the new libapache2-mod-perl2
> >>> package in sid/perl 5.20 later this week, and then I think we can plan
> >>> to go ahead with the transition after that - as soon as this weekend
> >>> if other ongoing transitions allow?
> >>
> >> Yeah, that's probably fine. Let us know how your tests go.

I've tested the new mod_perl+RT with perl 5.20 and perl 5.22, and it
all went well, so I've pushed the new mod_perl to sid this evening.

> > Niko reminded me that 5.22.1 is due out as soon as the weekend, and
> > it would make sense to transition with that rather than have to 
> > build a mini-transition in later. So we'll work to integrate that
> > into experimental with suitable QA before the transition, if that's
> > okay with you. I think that should only delay things by a couple of
> > days.
> Sure, that sounds better indeed. Let's do that.

Niko has uploaded 5.22.1-RC3 to experimental and we should see
5.22.1 final in a few days.

I'm rebuilding all the packages involved in the perlapi transition
against 5.22.1, and spotted a couple of issues which I've marked as
blockers. I've uploaded a delayed fix for the courier issue (#804603)
and the other one I've spotted so far has been redhat-cluster, which
I presume we'll just remove from testing given its recent track

Once 5.22.1 final has been released, I don't think there is anything
else stopping us from uploading that to unstable, assuming that no
more problems come to light first.


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