On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 09:07:55PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> On Sunday 10 April 2016 08:26 PM, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> > I do realize that it will be very useful for everyone to have Gitlab
> > installable on jessie right now, but I am not completely sure that
> > uploading 300+ packages to jessie-backports is a good idea. Will you be
> > able to support that _for the whole lifetime of jessie_  once the time
> > funded by Gitlab Inc runs out?
> I will discuss with gitlab folks about the possibility of an LTS version
> or possibility of continued funding.

It's not just Gitlab, the issue is bigger than that. Let me clarify.

When you upload a backport, you are responsible for it. Are you willing
to support¹ _all of those 300+ packages_ in jessie-backports for the
whole filetime of jessie?

¹ meaning keeping them current with bugs fixed in unstable/testing,
  handling security updates, etc.

An alternative would be to provide an external repository that is only
supported until stretch is released, and support upgrades from jessie +
such repository to stretch.

> > Also, your list includes things like openssl, I really don't think you
> > should touch that.
> openssl update was required for nodejs backport.

openssl is a _critical_ piece of infrastructure that affects pretty much
everything, and IMO you should not touch it, no matter what.

If you really upload a nodejs backport you need to make it build and
work against the openssl in stable.

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