Hi all,

On 18-05-27 23:56:09, Cédric Boutillier wrote:
> I have been thinking for some time now about the idea of another
> sprint for the Ruby team. After Curitiba two years ago, what about
> having a new meeting, in Europe this time?

Yeah yeah yeah! I would like to join, even if I'm right now uncertain if
I would be able to join. Therefore: Could we fix a date "soon"? December
would work for me the best, although this might be a little late,
depending when the buster freeze starts.

> I can propose Paris (although I don't know where it could be held yet,
> because IRILL who hosted us before, has moved to another place, and I am
> not sure they have space for such events, but I can ask around what the
> opportunities are).

I've heard the Mozilla folks are quite open to host sprints in their
offices, there was at least one sprint hosted there last year. Not sure
about Ruby, but in general, as far as I know. Maybe it would be worth it
to ask them.

> Other propositions would also be fine :)

I could offer, depending on the size of all of this, to host it in
Berlin, if it's "just" a sprint with a couple people and not a
(Mini)DebConf with talks which need to be streamed etc.

> What do you think?

Let's do this!

Thanks for pushing,

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