
On 19-08-28 23:36:41, Gabriel Filion wrote:
> I've just pushed a tag and "dch -r" for my first release the
> vagrant-librarian-puppet package.

Great, congratulations! :)

> I've tested install and functionality of the vagrant plugin, and I
> believe I'm ready for reviews before the package is uploaded! You can
> find the code here:
> https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/vagrant-librarian-puppet
> This is my first ever *new* debian package submitted to the archive
> (I'm currently maintaining smokeping, a package that was already in
> existance), so please don't hesitate to nitpick and guide me in the
> right path! :D

I did a review now, so here you go. All in all it looks pretty good,
just some notes:

- debian/control:
  - Please build depend on debhelper-compat (= 12), and drop debhelper
  - Extended description:
    - Puppet vs. puppet (personally I would go with the former)
    - Typos: "sate" and "temselves"

- debian/compat
  - Drop completely

- debian/rules:
  - Line 11: Trailing whitespace (remove this line completely)

- git tags:
  - Please sign your tags -- not sure which tooling you're using, but in
    case it's gbp, that's quite easy to accomplish: create ~/.gbp.conf
    with the following content:

    sign-tags = True

  - Please don't create debian/* tags, these should be created by the
    person doing the actual upload

I hope the above is cool, and not an annoyance for you.


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