Версия 0.59r-6 все-таки в Woody.
Компилируется на Potato без проблем при соблюдении зависимостей:

Build-Depends: libesd0-dev [i386 alpha powerpc], libaudiofile-dev [i386
alpha powerpc], libasound0.4-dev [i386], nas-dev [i386]

Скомпилированный пакет послан Константину.


On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Konstantin Sorokin wrote:

>=On Fri, Aug 17, 2001 at 08:42:19AM -0700, Pavel Epifanov wrote:
>=> And what ???? Just take the proper one from Woody and compile for Potato.
>=> I always do this. Of course one could tried to push the maintainer to port 
>=> change to Potato, but I would not. This is a minor bug.
>=This is not a minor bug at all, and in woody we have the same
>=version (with memory leak I think) of mpg123 that we have in 
>=potato. I've been trying to compile one from unstable without
