И вот ещё эти параметры всегда должны быть раскоментированны?

## Default rsync options every rsync invocation sees.
#RSYNC_OPTIONS="-prltvHSB8192 --timeout 3600 --stats --exclude
Archive-Update-in-Progress-${MIRRORNAME} --exclude ${TRACE} --exclude

## Options the first pass gets. We do not want the Packages/Source indices
## here, and we also do not want to delete any files yet.
RSYNC_OPTIONS1="--include 'installer-*/**/*' --include '*/' "

## Options the second pass gets. Now we want the Packages/Source indices too
## and we also want to delete files. We also want to delete files that are
## excluded.
RSYNC_OPTIONS2="--max-delete=40000 --delay-updates --delete --delete-after
