
EN: As I undestand additional information is needed - Debian installed on PC or Mac?
RU: Debian установлен на компьютер от Apple?

On Пт, мар 4, 2016 в 10:11 , MENGUAL Jean-Philippe <mengualjean...@free.fr> wrote:

Sorry for English, I don't speak Russian. But my friend speaks Russian
and uses Debian. We're searching for someone who could give us
information about Russian keyboard layout on Debian. It seems it's not
the same keymaps as on a Mac OS computer, and we'd like to understand
why. Is it a known situation?

You can reply in Russian, Corentin will go on writing in Russian. I just
open the contact with Russian Debian Community.

Best regards,


Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

HYPRA, progressons ensemble

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