> А можно как-нить уговорить linux запомнить порядок (или имена) bluetooth
> устройств? Или убрать из системы лишние устройства?

В 2009-м товарищи из linux-blueto...@vger.kernel.org писали, что нет:

,----[Re: Renaming hci interfaces with udev]
| > I would like to change the default name of bluetooth interfaces (hci0, 
hci1, ...)
| > using udev rules.
| > 
| > While with wlan usb dongles it works with the line:
| >     KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="foo0"
| > the analogous for the bt:
| >     KERNEL=="hci*", NAME="foo0"
| > doesn't work, while
| >     KERNEL=="hci*", RUN+="/usr/bin/touch /tmp/foo"
| > works.
| > 
| > I'm using kernel, udev 125 and bluez 4.46.
| we don't support renaming HCI devices. However feel free to send a
| kernel patch to enable it.
| Regards
| Marcel
