ниче не помогало пока не ниже приведенный баг репорт и не выставил gfn

Package: vim-gtk
Version: 6.1.048-1
Followup-For: Bug #119808

Background: I have a "private" package which does a lot of setup work for my system
by having some useful config files in it and depending on a lot of
software I always want installed (such as particular versions of KDE,
X, ssh, etc.)

One of the config files being used is a vim60 plugin.  My package
installs the file: /usr/share/vim/vim60/plugin/iko.vim even though the
system vim share directory is /usr/share/vim/vim61.  I finally noticed
this problem and for testing I manually moved iko.vim to the
vim61/plugin directory.

My GUI immediately started working again.  iko.vim is extremely short,
so I quickly narrowed down the exact line that gave me my GUI back:

   set gfn=-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal-*-*-120-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1

In short, all you need is to set a font of the proper type that vim can
find.  The font that I prefer, which my plugin sets explicitly, happens
to be one that exists on my system, whereas (for some reason) the
default vim-gtk configuration selects a font which is not available.

My experiment uncovered 2 problems that should be addressed:
1) By default, vim should select an available font.
2) If a font is not available, vim should report the error in a clear

(1) is something that Wichert can control.
(2) should probably go upstream.

-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.0

Roman A. Lagunov wrote:

"Alexander A. Vlasov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Добрый день.

Вопрос следующий...
Установил vim-gtk.

Но в ответ на $gvim получаю обычный vim - без всяких следов gtk-gui вроде виденных мной красивых менюшек и кнопочек вверху. При этом пакет точно стоит, все зависимости apt-get вроде поставил, X запущены 8)
Более того, указано что vim из пакета vim замещен vim из пакета vim-gtk

Так почему же vim -g и gvim не дают нужной gtk-морды?

А попробуйте :gui
