Hello Andrey Kiselev,

> >  вот такая странность, на Woody:
> > $ crontab -e
> > (запускается vim, я в нем редактирую и записываю нужное :wq)
> > crontab: no changes made to crontab
> > изменений нет!
> Может быть, в этом дело:
> :help backupcopy

 Ура! Заработало! :)  Спасибо!

 Оказывается "set nocompatible" устанавливает backupcopy=auto и crontab -e с ним
 не работает. 

> 'backupcopy' 'bkc'    string  (Vi default for Unix: "yes", otherwise: "auto")
>                       global
>                       {not in Vi}
>       When writing a file and a backup is made, this option tells how it's
>       done:
>       "yes"   make a copy of the file and overwrite the original one
>       "no"    rename the file and write a new one
>       "auto"  one of the previous, what works best
>       Making a copy and overwriting the original file:
>       - Takes extra time to copy the file.
>       + When the file has special attributes, is a (hard/symbolic) link or
>         has a resource fork, all this is preserved.
>       - When the file is a link the backup will have the name of the link,
>         not of the real file.
>       Renaming the file and writing a new one:
>       + It's fast.
>       - Sometimes not all attributes of the file can be copied to the new
>         file.
>       - When the file is a link the new file will not be a link.
>       The "auto" value is the middle way: When Vim sees that renaming file
>       is possible without side effects (the attributes can be passed on and
>       and the file is not a link) that is used.  When problems are expected,
>       a copy will be made.
>       One situation where "no" and "auto" will cause problems: A program
>       that opens a file, invokes Vim to edit that file, and then tests if
>       the open file was changed (through the file descriptor) will check the
>       backup file instead of the newly created file.  "crontab -e" is an
>       example.
> -- 
> Andrey V. Kiselev
> Home phone:  +7 812 5274898  ICQ# 26871517

И это тоже пройдет.
