On Tuesday 22 November 2005 22:35, Ivan Warren wrote:
> Hmm.. Should I report a initramfs-tools bugreport ? (now - I see there
> is a bunch of bugs outstanding on initramfs, so no doubt this would be
> a dup)..

Maybe not. I'm not sure anyone would have taken the plunge for s/390 yet.

> Done.
> ALERTĂ— /dev/dasd/0.0.0108/part1 does not exist. Dropping to a shellĂ—

Seems it has the same basic problem: does not know how to support dasd...
Not sure if this [2] is also a factor here.

> I might need to customize mkinitramfs first (although it sure didn't
> complain about anything when the initramfs image was created)..

Well, to quote one of the developers involved with yaird : "yaird is 
designed to be anal". It will generate an error whenever it gets into a 
situation it does not like or support. I guess this is a good viewpoint 
for an initrd generator as it will prevent you ending up with an 
unbootable system [1].
It is also designed to generate a "minimal" initrd: just containing what's 
needed to boot the current configuration.

initramfs-tools has other goals and is more likely to fail on reboot.
It will, by default, generate an "all inclusive" initrd for maximum 
portability (remove your dasd from your current system, hotplug it into 
the one in the next room and reboot ;-)


[1] In a vmware emulator it still fails on reboot because the BusLogic 
disk driver does not support sysfs and is therefore "silently" not 

[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-s390/2005/11/msg00010.html

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