On Thu, 17 May 2018 07:08:37 +0200 Johannes Schauer <jo...@debian.org> wrote:
> Currently, it is not possible to compile a project with libtf2-kdl-dev with
> either CMake or pkg-config because both files will attempt to link objects to
> /usr/lib/liborocos-kdl.so.1.3.1 which does not exist in Debian unstable
> anymore.
> It seems orocos-kdl has been updated to 1.4, so this package should be
> updated as well.

It seems that a simple rebuild fixes this issue.

For the future, I implemented a simple autopkgtest for ros-geometry2.  It
currently only tries to build a project using tf2_kdl. Feel free to also add
the other libraries.

With such a smoke test it should be easier to spot such breaks in the future.

I pushed my changes to the packaging repository.


cheers, josch

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