Hello Bill, thanks for your reply.

On 03/11/2022 11:49, Bill Allombert wrote:
On Wed, Nov 02, 2022 at 11:13:07AM +0100, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
Hello Bill, thanks for your message.

Hello Jerome,

Please keep in mind that the BTS does not forward email to the submitter so
you always need to CC them otherwise they will not see your answer!
I only found it by luck, because I see your upload.

I was trying to fix the issue when you sent the report.
I isolated the issue as you did.

Solution 1) would the solution on box with one architecture, not on box with 
The package test relies DirectoriesPackagePrograms gap procedure (see 
debian/tests/makecheck.tst )

In Sid environment as provided by autopkgtest(1),

DirectoriesPackagePrograms( "guava" )


[ dir("/usr/share/gap/pkg/guava/bin/"), 
dir("/usr/share/gap/pkg/guava/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-default64-kv8/") ]

which is in agreement with your comments.

Indeed, the GAP patch debian/patches/program-path adds
/usr/share/gap/pkg/guava/bin/ to this list.

However only the last dir[ectory] may work on muti-architecture boxes.
Here we would need a "/usr/share/gap/pkg/guava/bin/<arch-triplet> between the 
two current ones:
can gap support this ?

GAP does not have the notion of the Debian triplet, so it is difficult to write 
a patch
to add /usr/share/gap/pkg/guava/bin/$(DEBIAN_TRIPLET)/

I guess that a patch can be written to do so.

There is a single /usr/bin for all archs, so in particular a single 
so I do not see why we need to support several /usr/share/gap/pkg/guava/bin,
especially since mismatched gap-core and gap-guava-bin should work.

Along this reasonning, 
/usr/share/gap/pkg/guava/bin/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-default64-kv8/ has no use.

Meanwhile (before reading your report) I gave a new try by imposing gap >= 4.12 

This is not sufficient, because it will break again when kv9 happens, for no 

I agree.

Without this bug, gap would be in testing today.

This is migration in action.

My only way out is to reupload gap with Breaks: gap-guava-bin (<= 3.17+ds-2),
which will waste 5 days.

The only way out is to fix [gap-]guava .

Also this is an artificial dependency ( guava only requires >= 4.8.0) that will 
upgrades more complex, again for no reason.


Please let me fix this guava issue by the week-end.

Best wishes,


Jerome BENOIT | calculus+at-rezozer^dot*net
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