(D) link elmer against libmetis and libmumps to escape linkage
against SCOTCH. If it is possible, of course.


2014-03-01 23:13 GMT+01:00 Francesco Poli (wintermute)
>  (A) SCOTCH copyright holders should be contacted and persuaded to
> re-license (or dual-license) it under GPLv2-or-later-compatible terms
>  (B) SCOTCH should be substituted with a GPLv2-or-later-compatible
> replacement, if any is available
>  (C) GPL-licensed library (such as UMFPACK and CHOLMOD) copyright
> holders should be asked to relax the copyleft (for instance by switching
> the LGPL v2.1) or add license exceptions that give permission to link
> their works with code released under CeCILL-C v1.0

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