On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 06:20:25PM +0200, Thomas Walter wrote:
> Hello,
> >From my point of view this 2 section names are arbitrary and too global.
> It also opens a long discussion about the hirarchy.  I think Mathematics
> is also part of Science.  At least for application like axiom, octave,
> mathematica, ...
> So having a Math section in parallel to Science could be for more
> "calulator" oriented SW.

Well most mathematical software I know are oriented toward doing 

> In general, my understanding of "Science" is in the sense of research
> and not education.
> Thus an example breakdown within Sience could be like
>       Mathematics
>       Physics
>       Bio
>       Chemistry
>       Astronomics
>       Geology

Could you provide packages list to flesh these sections ?

> where some applications or tools can be part of several sub-sections.
> Perhaps applications which could be used in nearly all sub-sections
> could go into a "General" or "Common" Section.

We absolutly try to avoid catch-all subsections because they tend to be
used as dumping ground for anything that do not fit in the structure
instead of leading people to improve the structure.

> In parallel to section "Science" have a section "Education".

"Education" is listed in the draft:

  Educational and training software.
  gtypist, gcompris, quiz


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