Am Dienstag, den 07.10.2008, 08:44 +0200 schrieb Andreas Tille:
> On Tue, 7 Oct 2008, Chris Walker wrote:

> So if you ask me we should follow a clear path:
>    1. Create tasks files and cdd-dev stuff under
>       svn://
>       (or whatever name you prefer)
>       --> I volunteer to do this provided somebody takes over the
>           categorisation work
>    2. Make science-chemistry package simply dependant from meta
>       packages debichem-* (as it is done in science-biology).
>       --> To enhance the tasks pages I have to work down my todo
>           list for the task page creation code to resolve these
>           dependencies on the web page (it is quite high on the
>           TODO list)

Ok till here as long as someone cares about it.

>    3. Enhancing DebiChem team by people who volunteer to work
>       on categorisation stuff and hunting for prospective packages

But I'm not ok with this one and I sent Andreas a mail in private. We
don't need people to search for prospective packages. This will just put
more and more work on the shoulders of those few people, who maintain
the packages. This is not an enhancement to the team and never will be.
If people are willing to care about the packages, then they can add
them. I don't want to get into the same trouble, Ubuntu put us by
uploading any and every package without making sure, that someone will
care about it. I adopted several of those once-uploaded-never-maintained

>    4. Advertising DebiChem as Debian internal solution to make
>       Debian the distribution of choice for chemistrists

If there is man-power to do this, then go on, but in general do *not*
expect, that the package maintainers will take over this task too. I
told you, what happened to chemistry related distributions. 

> IMHO Chemistry is the perfect group to grow out of the science
> home (if people ever felt home here - IMHO they are much to concentrated
> in just package building stuff).

2 team members and 26 packages (+ 1 or 2 ITPs) and both team members are
also part of several other groups with several other packages or ports.

What should we do? Concentrate on task pages and let the bug count grow?
Are you serious? What about if you sent me some skilled maintainers for
the Debian XML/SGML packages? Maybe then I can concentrate a bit more on
tasks like renaming "CDD"?

Regards, Daniel

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