On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 09:55 +0000, Antonio Amorim wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
>   I have previously created a debian package for Elmer that does not 
> claim to fulfill the official debian policies but might be useful to 
> trigger the debian work.
> The package is available as source and for the amd64 architecture. It is 
> available form the repositories:
> deb http://mirror.sim.ul.pt/debian-paipix etch main contrib non-free
> where one can replace deb by deb-src and etch by lenny or sid.
> In the backport to etch, I also backported libqt4 that is available from 
> the same repository.
> The packages are elmerfem and elmerfem-doc.
> All packages are build under pbuilder so the dependencies should be Ok.

Thank you.  I'm afraid I'm already well-enough along that the only issue
remaining is finding Scotch functions corresponding to
METIS_MeshPartNodes and METIS_MeshPartDual.  I'm in contact with
upstream, which is helping with this (off-list).

> As can be seen in the debian/rules file I add to modify the usual
> configure --prefix=/usr
> because, even if one installs using
> make install DESTDIR=...
> many files tend to be sent to /usr/lib. etc.
> This means that I had to patch some configure files. The patch files are 
> in the debian directory, alldough the patches have already been applied.

Yup, upstream is happy with all of my patches except the one which gets
rid of rpath, so that should be the only one I need to maintain going

> I have used the version 5.4.1 of elmer but the ElemerGUI  
> ElemerGUIlogger and elmergrid was picked form the trunk svn.
> The configure files are tuned by the authors  with the -m64 compilation 
> flag. I have made the package only available for the amd64 
> architectures. Migrating to different architectures and even to i386 
> means patching more the configure system and has to be checked with the 
> authors.

Ah, I didn't notice this, thanks for the heads-up.  I'll make sure to
take care of this before uploading.

> Lots of room for improvement as you can see but I hope it can be used as 
> a seed .

Great, thanks again!

> PS: I have also backported gmsh to etch and also created a getdb package 
> in the same repository.
> Regarding getdb, I have succeeded with the etch backport but lenny and 
> sid are failing due to lapack3. In the case of lenny and sid I am using 
> lapack-dev and I get
> /tmp/buildd/getdp-1.2.1/Arpack/second.f:29: undefined reference to `etime_
> Does anybody  have an idea?

Use the Debian ARPACK package.  They've removed it from all of the
mirrors, but I just uploaded a new one to NEW and you can get it at:
http://lyre.mit.edu/~powell/arpack/ .

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