On Lun 02 May 2011 04:05:10 Anton Gladky escribió:
> Thanks all for opinions. I will create a git-repo for eigen3 in
> debian-science and ask
> KDE-team for reassigning eigen2 to debian-science.

Please first ask, then create the repo. I think there will be no problem fir 
the Qt/KDE team on passing maintainance over, but that's what *I* think.

Regards, Lisandro.

<elruso> angasule: tenes el teletransportador encendido?
<gurtaj> :P
<angasule> si
<elruso> Yo no :-P
<angasule> lo arme con el PIC16F84, una batata y algo que estaba
           adentro de una zapatilla vieja
<elruso> angasule: yo tenia uno andando pero speedy te
         bloquea el puerto...

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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